Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Quick Note

We're in a time where resources are hard to come by.  We are in a time, when it is essential that we differentiate ourselves, and see and embrace the differences in our character and vision.  Imagine is everyone had a vision for something, and built upon it to manifest into their greatest potential.  If everyone did this, our world would be such a thriving place.  Especially if it was all done for the good of one another, not to harm one another.  God did not design us to follow the norm of one another.  What IS acceptable anymore?  It gets confusing.   Life is so much more and has so much more to offer, life is good ultimately, and God wants us to live good lives!  Of course we will struggle, and there will be hard times, but the good should overpower the bad.  After all, God knows our every desire and need, and will fulfill them as we ask.  This should be celebrated and acknowledged!