Saturday, December 3, 2011

An Update

For those that read this, I am very grateful.  An update on life.  Things are very normal for now.  Class, work, class, work.  I am very ready to be done with school.  The thing with school, is that you can't leave class in class.  Your work follows you everywhere, stuff lingers, the things that need to be done, papers, presentations, quizzes, it gets old.  But I am making it through.

Many ideas have come to me, and many people have told me, wherever I decide to go, God will still be there, I can go far far away, to an island somewhere and God will still be there.  That is good to know.  I was pretty sure I was going to do YWAM for awhile, but that changed.  Mission work while it is exciting, needs to have a constant passion, and that I do not have a constant passion for, that I am so willing to pay the money to do work, it seems like a great experience but I have been struggling trying to understand if that is where I should go or not.

The sun is shinning through my window the first time today.  I see the faint shadows of the bars on my windows against the wall.  It's nice to have sun, though it is cold sun.  Life just keeps moving forward, and the seconds keep moving up, up, up to 60 then falls back to 0.