Saturday, February 16, 2013

Romance Through Divine Love

From the time when we are 13, us guys like her cute laugh, and she annoys the crap out of us, yet deep down we like her... She loves how he pokes at her, and just makes her heart beat quicker.  Yet she is so annoyed by him, deep down she likes him.  Fast forward to high school, between 15-18... many discount this age as being "too young to love" And that nobody knows what "love" is.  Let me just say... from the moment of birth, everyone knows what love is.  There are stages of love.  The new love, is the infatuation/honeymoon love, in which EVERYONE experiences.  Yet we all deny it rolling our eyes, as if it is something we are to be ashamed of.  The love a young couple feels, is real... very real, and very strong.  Emotions raging, hormones peaking, yes, you feel it, and you're in love.  What young people DON'T know, is MANAGING love... they start to see their quirks, they get into conflict, they don't know how to handle it, they get bored and cheat or break up... that is what speaks to everyone around as to how they are "so young"... love will come anytime you let it. Managing love... is up to you, and the divine power of God to be your glue.

I'm going to go through some subjects that many do not talk about.  It may seem 'wrong'... but life is nothing but transparent, and God know everything about our hearts, why hide and not discuss this stuff?

There are many forms of love, from brotherly/sisterly love, emotional, maternal/paternal love, spiritual love, and a love of... beer or chocolate, or beaches. We are attracted to things, that have something good and positive to offer to us, helping us not just survive, but thrive and enjoy.  In turn, we give back.  You 'love' the beach?  You don't litter, you support and organization that preserves manatees or beaches.  You 'love' chocolate?  Invest in the market- buy some candy bars! You 'love' beer?  Support your favorite beer company and drink responsibly (in fact using it responsibly is the greatest gift you could give to their company).  Spiritual love, you devote yourself to the higher power, be it Jesus (for me), or whatever else.  Children and parents- kids, obey, and never stop telling your parents you love them, and hug them.  Same with parents to kids.  Treat them gently, firmly, and compassionately.  Friends, well,be a friend whom understands and helps one another.  Jokes with each other, just thrives and goes on adventures.

In the beginning, God created Eve to be a mate for Adam... There are places where it says biblically it is not good for man to be alone.  Also, a man whom finds a wife, finds a great thing a gift from God.  Also, men, treat your wives as Christ loves his creation, his people... God's people... treat her with adoration, kindness, respect, and affection, no matter what.

It is an equal thing.  Culturally the man is no longer always the bread winner, nor does the woman always cook and clean... we have become a team, complimenting our strengths, living in our situations, and growing our weaknesses.  In every relationship it is 110/110... I give my all to please her, while she would do the same... we know what each other, likes, and needs... so, through our love, we express and but those into actions, words, and affections.

By loving your mate, you are loving God... God send you guys, and started this love in your hearts for a reason... God smiles, approvingly everytime you two kiss.  Everytime you two cuddle.  Everytime you two say "I love you..."  God knows, He has done a good thing.  You experience the divine love of God through the other person romantically...

Love is meant to heal.  Love is meant to renew.  Love is meant to inspire.

Here are some quotes by an inspiring individual from India, named Deepak Chopra:

"Ecstasy is the release of individuality bade into wholeness.  Whatever brings you closer to wholeness, brings you closer to ecstasy."

"See your beloved as a mirror of your higher self."

"Surrender to love as your guiding force.  A single point in the heart can expand to liberate the world...."

"You are a unique path created between you and your beloved"

Rumi- "My soul glowed from the fire of your fire.  Your world was a whispering river of my heart..."

"A Liberated soul is a citizen of the universe..."

"Sexual union initiates DIVINE creation.  What you express through your passion is God's love for you."

"Inspiration is that state in which mind and heart are connected."

"Any desire to grow is following the flow of love."

"Love is everywhere, but in some places it is blocked by fear."

"When you blame of criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself."

"If you create any open space within yourself, love will fill it."

"The highest expression of love is creativity"

"When sex (or intimacy) is fully loving, you experience the divine through your partner"

"Sexual/intimate love energized by absolute love, is ecstasy."

"Love doesn't need a reason, it speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart."

"A heart that has learned to trust, can be at rest in the world."

"To love and be loved is the most natural expression of our being."

So, sexual intimacy, is a divine experience, in which God is experienced through your love for each other.  The blissful state of ecstasy through eachother, is simply a gift God gave humanity, and smiles on.  I believe there are places only a man and woman can go, nobody else can go but them.  Each couple has a different place, because they have different souls, hearts, and levels of intimacy.  Sure, it is a spiritual thing, but there are of course many other times in which you can get more... risque or naughty with it- which again is natural state of humanity.  It was designed for spiritual union, as well as a pleasurable activity, all because you love each other.

It has been said, that hugging often, creates longer relationships, more likely to end up in marriage, and LAST... The same goes with kissing.  Kiss each other A LOT!  And passionately.  Kissing has chemicals, that send off positive chemicals to the brain, alleviating depression, anxiety, and increases dopamine, oxytocin, and better performance in life, at work, and in the home.  Cuddling, creates a bond, that makes you both secure and safe.  I will post another on the stages of marriage, and why so many end in divorce.  Divorce is preventable...

When two people adore each others' beings, you end up uniting, as 2 flesh become one, spiritually you unite as well, you connect in such a deep level... you feel the ecstasy, the blissful state of mind, you never find anywhere else... It's a powerful state, love is.  Such a beautiful thing.  The world today, has corrupted it, and degraded it, dumbed it down, and turned it into things it is not.  For me, I know how to do a couple things well... 1. Write and play music.  2. LOVE the girl to be wife I will be with. As well as other friends and family.  I'm a lover, not a fighter.


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