Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today, walking across the famous footbridge that divides the North Park Campus diagonally, the North Branch was higher, from all the ice and snow that has melted.  Usually, well naturally when the water rises, the currant is stronger, so much I could see it churning, the water suddenly becomes this force that one can only imagine how quick it could pull you.  While it was rainy today, on a nice warm, or even hot day, one may consider cooling off in such a spot.  Well... maybe not actually, it's pretty bad.  Point being this:  What is your currant?  What is pulling you strongly, and rapidly away from God?  The battles we face each day, are the currants in the rivers, the constant swirl, between good and evil, in the spiritual realm.  Influences, temptations, things that seem harmless, they seem great.  Do we see them carrying us away from God?  I notice, usually later on, realizing my eyes were closed, because I was already underwater.  I didn't see.  Jesus made the blind see, and He set the captives free.  You better believe He will pull you out of a currant, time and time again.  His power and love are thousand times greater than anything one could imagine.  Many times chosing to get "caught up in God's love" may sound kind of funny compared to what the currant has to offer.  Just remember the river is full of the healing water known as the blood of Christ, which is never ending, a well that will never run dry. 

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