Sunday, September 18, 2011


Dreams...  today at church, they talked to us about dreams, and how God's dreams for us is so much bigger and better than our own dreams for ourselves.  Vision is important as well.  What is God's vision for our lives?  This I am still trying to figure out.  The world seems to expect us to have this down and known about ourselves, but what happens when we actually DON'T have it figured out?  I think it is safe to say that I am not the only one, unsure at age 21, however I believe, and have faith that God will soon make it clear.  What are some ways we seek clarity?  1. Prayer and fasting... 2.  An asessment of our spiritual gifts... 3.  Walking in the spirit.  4.  Working in the spirit. 

1.  Through prayer and fasting, we seek clarity and put our total reliance on God.  Instead of food for a day, replace the meal times with God time, read the word, listen to sermons, read books, utilize powerful materials, seeking out His kingdom.

2.  What are we good at?  What can we do, for the rest of our lives, and not get paid for?  List what you're good at. 

3.  This is a hard one.  Audibly say to God, I submit my entire being to you and want to be flooded with your spirit.  The spirit of God, the governor of our beings.  Take life a step at a time, and do it under the power of the Holy Spirit.  We are not our own after this.  We are exalted!

4.  Working in the spirit...  after submitting ourselves, we walk, but when we start our work days on Monday, or whenever, in class or whatever, we forget.  We must be changers of the way society works, by loving in ways nobody has seen, or ways that are rarely seen.  We influence in our workplaces, we care.  We evangelize when the time is right.  Our work ethic is improved, our strength is greater, our endurance is greater, and our attitudes are moved and shifted into attitudes of Shabach!  Glorifying God in all we do, thanking Him, counting our blessings, and sowing more!  Thus reaping more.  Amazing how this stuff works.  And I will never ever have this all figured out.  None of us will.  God is so mysterious, yet so easy to love, and so simple, everyone can connect, yet no human being will have His ways figured out. 

We have the victory, and God will not move us into victory, He will move us BECAUSE of victory!  Why?  We already are victorious. Thanks to Jesus. 

Basically we have our full potential in us, we just need to access it by prayer, and acknowledgement of our gifts.  There is more to life than what we see, people.  There is so much more.  So much mystery, newness, beginnings. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gordon!
    This was nicely written and in an odd way, i needed to read something like this.
    I, too, as a 21 year old do not have it figured out. I'm still trying to find out what I am supposed to do. >_<

    But thank you for this :)
