Monday, October 17, 2011


On Saturday I did something with a friend that I normally wouldn't do.  I felt led to be bold in my life, and confidently do some Kingdom work...  A friend and I went downtown Chicago, to Millenium Park, and had signs that read "Can I Pray For You?"  We sat at a small table, and we went global.  People from all over the world came.  One guy from Kenya, another from London, a couple from Montana, who did mission work in the Czech, it was awesome.  I noticed that everyone was a believer whom stopped by, and they were young, in their 20s and 30s.  Also, a guy stopped by, referring this generation as an "army" of believers... my view is a little different, yet it ties it all in...

I do believe our generation will be the generation that will lead this world out of much of the problems it is facing today, as well as be the leaders of tomorrow in the next 10-20-30 years.  We are being shaped right now into people of integrity, understanding, compassion, justice, mercy, ethics, and PASSION.  Soon things will be in our control, under God, and we will be making decisions.  But is our generation, particularly the generation of believers, an ARMY?  Sure, we battle many things in our lives... not necessarily all physical either.  Much of it is spiritual.  So do we fight?  Yes.  Every believer will have to fight to some extent, as Jesus is not necessarily the most treasured person on this earth right now by every human.  Many are taken by idols, and other things that take Jesus' place... we normally have to fight to keep our hearts from being captive by idols, such as relationships, material things, pride, lust, alcohol, partying, etc, etc.  BUT, are we just an army?

I believe we are like a Kingdom, WITH an army...  Not everyone is meant or gifted to fight spiritual warfare, and some have this spiritual gift called intercessory prayer, which is prayer for many things, but more of a "battle" type of prayer... Some are better at discerning the spiritual realm, others prophecy and we ALL have more than one... so an army of intercessors could also be very diverse in their other giftings, such as worship, spiritual direction, discernment, etc. Though we need all of those gifts in an army, we also need them to glorify Jesus, and unify with God...

We are a Royal family in the Kingdom of God, and God loves us and sees us just as that:royalty.  THAT alone is a reason to celebrate!

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