Tuesday, March 8, 2011


A Native American belief is that the Eagle is a brother who flies closest to the creator, and His wisdom, vision, and courage are all gifts that we all possess. 

Aristotle and Pliny wrote that the Eagle would test its young, by facing them into the sun.  There was a belief that the Eagle was the only animal capable of looking directly into the sun. 

These two symbolic pieces alone seem like good reasons to be like Eagles!  When we see birds fly, we see them fly in a big 'V'.  When they migrate, they go in a large group.  The Eagle flies higher than the rest at 30 mph, and dive at 100 mph.  The Eagle is normally seen, flying solo. 

I'm not advocating living alone all of our lives, I am simply thinking about how we go about life, as birds, or Eagles?  The Eagle carries much dignity, respect and honor however it requires sacrifice.  Likewise, in order for us to be leaders, and lead a life that takes us beyond our dreams, we must sacrifice a little.  Do things out of the norm.  Not fly in the 'V' with the rest of the birds, but go the way we feel led to go by the Son...  

We can be Eagles in our jobs, in our faith, how we live out our faith, our spirituality, every aspect in our lives, we can be the Eagle.  

So... are YOU going to be that Eagle?

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